Written by Christina Margeti
This popular proverb in paraphrase, I think it fits perfectly in this particular case… Just because something has been established as a tradition does not mean that it is right, nor that we and future generations should perpetuate it. Let us ask ourselves, looking objectively at all the traditions, whether each one of them is right and worthy of perpetuation. Let us ask ourselves. Is this tradition that I keep right? Is it harmless to me and all creatures? Is it hurtful to other beings or dangerous? Is it an act of violence? Does it harm other humans, nature, and animals?
If the answer is yes to the above questions, then it is probably time to reconsider ,or at least to reflect a little, at least a little. But let’s take a closer look at some things, which have been established by previous generations. First of all, I will refer to the unbelievable barbarity of the “custom” of the spit every Easter, which I consider to be an insult to us as human beings. It offends me personally as a human being to see dead lambs and goats being skewered, every year, tainting a celebration of supposed love, resurrection and life with the blood of innocent creatures, with violence, with death. I think we’re not honored by that at all… Will you tell me well the fact that they are slaughtered and eaten every day doesn’t bother you? Of course I am sorry about that too, but in this case we are talking about a “tradition” that mistreats animals even after their death….in a barbaric, vulgar, vile way that shames our humanity, our values and our culture! Animals understand, they feel, they are living beings. Although different from us, they have the same natural right to existence and life. When will we put aside medieval attitudes, shameful for our species, considering animals inferior and their lives without value? Animals are not inferior to us. They have the same right as we do, to existence and life. They deserve our respect and love! Let us not forget that the only and essential “superiority” is the way we treat other creatures, on the planet that hosts us. Superiority, then, is civilization, humanity, non-violence not only towards the human species, but towards all creatures. If there was a species more evolved than us, on the planet, more powerful, would we like to be imprisoned, made guinea pigs, skinned, slaughtered; would we like to have a custom that every time celebrated anything, we would be the bodies on the spits for the more “evolved” species? ..I don’t think so…
So why would we do this to animals…? Why do we treat creatures so cruelly and inhumanely, without any empathy and mercy? Why in the year 2024 do we still, as our actions and lifestyles show, narcissistically and so unfairly believe that their lives have no value? Food for thought… Let’s go to another “tradition” now, which is dangerous both for humans and for birds, animals in general who are frightened by the crackling, the noise. I am referring to fireworks, of course , bullets, flares that are thrown at various events and celebrations. The fact that several people have been maimed ,injured by them, unfortunately has not rationalized and wised up some people who still use them. What I don’t understand is why they should on every happy occasion for us, to celebrate in a violent way, which endangers our lives as well as the lives of others and birds, which scares animals.
Why should our own joys and celebrations turn into suffering and terror for other creatures? Couldn’t we, therefore, celebrate anything peacefully and in harmless ways, without useless , dangerous “shamans” without violence….?
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