The… “overanalysis”…

Written by Christina Margeti

“Hyperanalysis” is what some people sometimes call essential analytical thinking that leads you to the right conclusions, because either it doesn’t suit them (perhaps because they have something to hide – usually a lie – situations they don’t want you to find out about). So it doesn’t suit them – it’s not in their interest to think about them, or they have simply learned to stay on the surface of things, in typical discussions devoid of meaning and substance. I’m referring, of course, to jyis states of analysis, not to the actual objective meaning and state of really excessive analysis, without cause, logic, meaning, purpose, or any usefulness. So analyze facts, persons and situations because it is analytical thinking, yogic analytical thinking, that helps you to always draw the right conclusions and always leads you to truths.


Anyone who tells you not to “over-analyze” things is nothing but a manipulative one. And if not always, most of the time.

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